Home Pragati Khatwani Singh February 6, 2020

Every time you have this feeling of a void within, that urge to fill, that craving for something unknown, that very, very, familiar feeling of something missing, which has been haunting you for eons, know that your soul is looking for a part of itself which had been fragmented since eternity.

Whenever you have that urge and you look for instant gratification in order to alleviate that feeling, know that it is not the object of gratification you are looking for, but something much deeper, and that is…… your connection with your own being, your own Source. It is the yearning of the soul which is calling you back home within.

Coming Home to Source is not only my journey, but also my humble endeavor to offer help to all those who feel this longing to self. Over the years, my soul calling led me through this process of reintegrating my broken fragments, through healing my deep wounds, and stripping off layers and layers of conditioning in order to become more of who I am. This still continues, and is also what I feel called to share with all those who choose to walk the same path.

Although it is a soul led journey in essence, but at times we all need support and validation on our journey. So, if you are looking for assistance on taking the steps to reach back home to yourself, I invite you to explore working with me, through Akashic Records and other inner work tools and techniques.

Akashic Records Reading Sessions
Akashic Records Reading Sessions
Uncover your soul journey, soul contracts and soul purpose. Understand your situations and circumstances from a higher perspective, resolve any and all conflicts and receive clarity on your path and choices.
Inner Work Sessions
Inner Work Sessions
Identify and release your limiting beliefs, and subconscious blockages in any area of your life. Clear your own way to manifest aligned outcomes to move ahead gracefully.
Group Sessions & Workshops
Group Sessions & Workshops
Did you know that inner work (or shadow work) can be fun? It need not be necessarily intense or challenging all the time? Our emotional wounds when addressed with effective healing techniques and handled
Guided Meditations

In order to utilize the immense potential of this serene and life transforming way of healing, to bring great shifts and

Integrated Healing

A workshop which brings together deep healing of the inner child, past traumas, masculine and feminine, and much more

Ancestral Healing

Recognizing and addressing the generational patterns and healing them for good, as well as recognizing the hidden gifts

Physical Body Healing

Uncovering the subconscious patterns which create distortions, diseases, and disorders in our physical body and clearing all that density

Cracking the Money Code

Understanding money and its connection with abundance, identifying and releasing our resistance to experience a life of fullness

Empaths and Energy Sensitivity

No matter how challenging it seems, the truth is that, having empathic abilities is a gift. The only thing you need to understand is

Emotional Empowerment for Children

The innocence of children, when empowered with the wisdom to handle their own emotions, gives them a huge strength to navigate
