
About Pragati Khatwani Singh February 6, 2020

About Me

More than 15 years of experience as an energy healer, delving into healing modalities and empowerment tools like Akashic Records, Oracle Cards, Subconscious Healing, Serenity Surrender, Reiki, Pranic Healing, and more.

Based at Noida, born and brought up in the small city of Gwalior, I love to work with people and facilitate shifts in them to help them move beyond their limitations, find freedom, and align with their soul path. My sessions assist those facing challenges with relationships, self-esteem, health, ancestral issues, parenting, money, career etc.

Pragati Khatwani Singh

Certified Akashic Records Reader and Energy Healer

About My Work

Life is a huge workshop in itself. And the twist is that in this workshop, practical happens before the theory is provided. We learn our lessons of relationships, self-worth, parenting and so on through trials and errors, making plenty of mistakes along the way, and finally figuring out how things work. This happens unlike how it happens in formal education system where we are made to study theory first, and then learn it by practical means. All of this not because this Universe is misaligned, but because we live in an inverted matrix.

What if I told you, that this amnesia of not knowing anything, and so groping in the dark through this experience of life, has a solution! Yes, there is one, and it is called The Book of Life, aka, The Akashic Records.

After I had worked on myself for years through subconscious ways of healing, I was led to this beautiful tool of empowerment, through which I could not only continue my own healing process, but also dip into for divine guidance anytime I needed. I could not have received a greater blessing for where I was on my journey.

The term Akashic Records originates from the Sanskrit word ‘Akasha’, which means the primordial substance creating the Universe, or the Ether. The records also find reference in various ancient traditions, like the Hindu, Egyptian, and Buddhist cultures which mention about the existence of Cosmic Space. The records contain every speck of information about every soul’s journey, its path, its origins, its past, present, future possibilities and lives, across dimensions, and space time continuums.

When we access the records by asking questions, we are given the information which is pertinent at that point of experience. It could be the clearing of a past life, karmic connections, guidance related to a present life situation, or showing of different timelines during conflicts, where we can then make empowered choices and so much more.

Anyone can learn to access their Akashic Records on their own, and can also take help from a practitioner. Skillful interpretation, integrity, and commitment to spiritual growth go a long way in helping to access the Records. Situations where Akashic Records must not be accessed are- for anyone without their permission, for children, for patients in coma or those who cannot decide for themselves, and deceased souls.

Another way which I use for myself as well as to help all is the various inner work practices like journaling, meditation, art therapy etc. to establish and deepen the connection with one’s own inner self.  I use these methods in my various individual and group sessions. These most importantly, involve identifying the subconscious beliefs and patterns, and clearing them to find freedom.